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We are six European countries andtogether we are working on the project JPY IN EDUCATION.


"JOY in Education" will lead to finding JOY in every day school life.  Education has as a duty to promote equality, collaboration, cooperation and creativity in order to reach unity and joy in the classroom and in all school activities. 
As teachers we have the opportunity to inspire a generation of learners.  We can help them want to learn and to develop a lifelong passion for learning, a passion that can influence their families and communities.
In our days where an increasing migration of people throughout Europe takes place, it is important that our youngsters and their parents acquire knowledge and understanding (geographical, historical, social and cultural) of other countries.   
This knowledge enables them to appreciate other cultures, break down prejudice, promote Europe as a multicultural society and as an enrichment for everybody.
With this project and, thanks to the European cooperation among partners schools, staffs and teachers will develop knowledge and understanding of other educational systems and methods giving them a fresh perspective, enthusiasm and motivation towards the learning process.  
















Students will increase basic skills levels  in a fun way.  School should be a place where pupils feel comfortable, happy and supported. This is important both for the emotional, social and educational development of the pupils but also for the teachers who will strengthen their role as facilitators of learning. Although leaving school  is not an option for primary school children, our goal is to reduce absenteeism. 
We will start the project researching how important parents and children feel about involvement in a European Project.  In addition, a study on the impact of the project on learning English and enjoyment of going to school. Both studies will be repeated in the second and third year of the project.
'JOY in Education' will give an important meaning to the word "difference".   Differences between countries will be seen as a way to enrich partners'  knowledge and culture as this project will allow all partners to know and to learn from each other enjoying school days and learning processes.  All partners will research, acknowledge and understand cultural similarities and differences with specific reference to various aspects of cultural inheritance. They will exchange their knowledge in terms of teaching tools, research new interesting methods focusing the attention on students' motivation.  Teachers will have special training courses about new teaching strategies experimenting with them in the first instance. Partners will use many ways to do that.  Smart boards, ICT, art, music, physical education, cooperation and mobilities will only be some of the means  partner schools will use to achieve the aims.  Moreover students will think about and then design a new school based on their interests with a new setting, new tools, new methods. This new school will give them great motivation towards lessons' and subjects seen no more as a duty but as a pleasure.
The project will start from the analysis of the multiple intelligences of the students giving teachers an idea about how to change their way of teaching. The project will also involve students in planning, implementation and evaluation and that will produce a great impact on students competencies; their ability to work autonomously, their creativity and their capacity to express themselves.  It will also develop a greater confidence and motivation to learn. The new and creative approaches which school partnerships will develop will provide an added value to traditional learning and teaching.  Partner students will be continuously in touch thanks to video conferences and Smart boards.  By using students' emotional intelligence 'JOY in Education' will help pupils to become active  European Citizens and to develop skills and competencies which will help them live in a globalised society.
The cooperation between partner schools will also provide all participants with opportunities to explore diverse and rich European cultures linked to curricular areas, interests, techniques and methodologies.
Team work among teachers and students from different countries will also give a unique opportunity to experience the European dimension. 
The educational  staff will strengthen their professional profile and increase their foreign language competence.

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